How to add WordPress WooCommerce WhatsApp checkout.

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Post Intro

This code snippet implements functionality similar to a WooCommerce code snippet that would enable WhatsApp checkout.

Here’s a breakdown of the code:

1. Plugin Initialization:

  • It checks if WooCommerce is active. If not, it displays an error message in the admin area.
  • If WooCommerce is active, the code likely needs to be placed in a function that would be hooked into an appropriate WooCommerce action.

2. Settings:

  • The code would likely need to be modified to include functionality to store configuration options such as:
    • Enable/Disable WhatsApp Checkout
    • Enter your WhatsApp number for receiving orders
    • Set opening message for WhatsApp orders
    • Set signature for WhatsApp orders
    • Choose what information to include in the WhatsApp message (Order number, total, items, billing address, etc.)

3. Checkout Integration:

  • During checkout, if WhatsApp checkout is enabled, it would need to add a radio button allowing customers to choose between “Default Checkout” and “WhatsApp Checkout”.
  • When the customer selects “WhatsApp Checkout”, the chosen method is saved as order meta data.

4. Thank You Page Redirect:

  • On the thank you page, if the chosen checkout method is “WhatsApp Checkout”, the code would build a message containing order details based on the pre-defined configuration (likely stored in the theme or a separate file).
  • This message includes information like order number, total, items, billing address, etc.
  • Finally, it would redirect the customer to a WhatsApp chat with your number pre-filled with the order details message.

Overall, this code snippet provides a way to achieve WhatsApp checkout functionality within WooCommerce, but it would need to be integrated into a theme’s functions.php file or a separate plugin to function fully.

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Post More Detail

This blog post will guide you through implementing a WhatsApp checkout option for your WooCommerce store. Imagine the ease of allowing customers to confirm their orders directly through WhatsApp! This code snippet, along with some additional configuration, achieves just that.


  • Seamless Integration: Customers can choose WhatsApp Checkout during the checkout process.
  • Configurable Messages: Customize the opening message, signature, and what information is included in the WhatsApp message (order number, total, items, etc.).
  • Improved Convenience: Simplify the checkout flow for customers who prefer WhatsApp communication.

How it Works:

  1. Plugin Activation (Optional): While you can directly add the code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file, using a code snippet plugin offers better management and avoids modifying core theme files. Here are two popular options:
  2. Code Implementation: Place the provided code snippet into your chosen plugin or the theme’s functions.php file.
  3. Configuration: Access your WooCommerce settings and navigate to the “SuperWP WhatsApp Checkout” tab (if using the code directly) or the settings section of your code snippet plugin. Here, you’ll configure options like:
    • Enabling/Disabling WhatsApp Checkout
    • Entering your WhatsApp number
    • Setting opening and closing messages for WhatsApp orders
    • Choosing information to include in the message
  4. Checkout Integration: During checkout, if WhatsApp checkout is enabled, a radio button selection will appear for customers to choose between “Default Checkout” and “WhatsApp Checkout”.
  5. Thank You Page Redirect: If a customer selects “WhatsApp Checkout”, upon reaching the thank you page, they’ll be redirected to a WhatsApp chat with your number pre-filled with a message containing their order details.

Adding the Code Snippet with Function.php:

Important Note: Modifying theme files directly can be risky. It’s recommended to use a child theme or a code snippet plugin for safety reasons. Here’s how to add the code to your theme’s functions.php file (assuming you’re comfortable with this approach):

  1. Access your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Appearance > Theme Editor.
  2. Select the theme you’re currently using from the right sidebar.
  3. Locate the functions.php file and open it for editing.
  4. Paste the provided code snippet at the end of the file.
  5. Save the changes.

Remember: This method edits your theme files directly. Consider using a child theme or a code snippet plugin for better maintainability.

Additional Notes:

  • This code snippet seems to be referencing a plugin named “SuperWP WhatsApp Checkout”. It might be a custom-developed plugin or a plugin no longer available publicly.
  • You might need to modify the code to match the actual structure and function names of the plugin you’re using (if any).

By implementing this code and configuring the settings, you can offer your customers a convenient and modern checkout option using WhatsApp. This can potentially improve customer satisfaction and streamline the checkout process.

Conclusion In summary

In conclusion, this blog post explored how to implement a WhatsApp checkout option for your WooCommerce store. The provided code snippet, along with additional configuration, allows customers to choose WhatsApp as their checkout method. They are then redirected to a WhatsApp chat with your number pre-filled with their order details. For easier implementation, consider using a code snippet plugin like “Code Snippets” or “Insert PHP” instead of modifying your theme’s functions.php file directly. Remember, this code snippet might require adjustments based on the specific WhatsApp checkout plugin you choose (if any). By offering WhatsApp checkout, you can enhance your store’s convenience and cater to customers who prefer WhatsApp communication.

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