How to Change woocommerce add to cart button and text based on Product stock Availability.

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In this tutorial you will learn How to change WooCommerce add to cart button in Product List loop but depending on the product type

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In this tutorial you will learn How to change WooCommerce add to cart button in Product List loop but depending on the product type, like for example:

  1. For products with Variations, I want a text in add to cart button to: “Show product”
  2. For Simple products “Show product”
  3. For products Out of stock: “Unavailable”

archive/ shop page add to cart button

Out Of stock add to cart button

Conclusion In summary

Features added in this tutorial:
1. For products with Variations, I want a text in add to cart button to: “Show product”
2. For Simple products “Show product”
3. For products Out of stock: “Unavailable”

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