How To Create Custom Posts with Categories, Tags, and Post Import FREE using code Snippet. No Plugin

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Post Intro

Learn how to create Custom Post Type (CPT)  from scratch using No Plugin but with Free code snippet.

In the realm of WordPress development, creating a Custom Post Type (CPT) opens up a world of possibilities for organizing content beyond the standard posts and pages. This guide will walk you through the process of implementing and optimizing a custom post type, including taxonomy and meta fields.

What is a Custom Post Type?

Understanding the Basics

WordPress allows developers to define their content types through CPTs. Learn about the fundamental concepts that drive the creation of bespoke content structures.

Anatomy of the CPT Function

Delve into the core function custom_post_type_cpt() and unravel the array of labels and arguments that shape your CPT.

Labels Galore

Explore the significance of each label within the $labels array, from the general name to the featured image.

Setting the Stage with Arguments

Dive into the array of $args and understand how each parameter influences the behavior and appearance of your CPT.

Youtube Tutorial

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Taxonomy: The CPT Companion

Building Taxonomies

Discover the role taxonomies play in enhancing the organization of your CPT content.

Registering ‘cpt_tags’

Learn how to extend the tagging system for your CPT using the register_taxonomy function.

Categorizing with ‘cpt_category’

Create hierarchical categories for your CPT content to improve content discoverability.

From the tutorial “How To Create Custom Posts with Categories, Tags, and Post Import FREE using code Snippet. No Plugin” from youtube, you will get full sep by step guidance on how to implement and make it work in your website.

I have gone through many documentation and came up with this code that i have to share. The code has this feature

  • Add new post type
  • all post added using CPT are independents from other post in the website,
  • has option to add post categories, post tags and even bulk options,
  • option to import posts categroies that are in your website,
    • In this version of code, you have import from multiple categories “not included in the tutorial”
  • During import, no duplicate post will be imported,
  • you have to clear your trash for a duplicate post to be imported.

Admin Interface Enhancements

Sorting and Scripting

Enhance the admin interface with sorting options, custom scripts, and additional columns for a seamless user experience.

Sorting Strategies

Implement sorting options by date, title, author, category, and status for efficient content management.

Custom Columns Unveiled

Introduce custom columns like ‘Status’ and ‘Author’ to the admin interface for a comprehensive overview of your CPT entries.

Importing CPTs

Importing CPTs

Navigate the CPT import page, understanding the nuances of selecting categories, avoiding duplicates, and ensuring a smooth import process.

Conclusion In summary

In conclusions we have been able to add new custom post type “CPT” with this features:

  • Add new post type
  • all post added using CPT are independents from other post in the website,
  • has option to add post categories, post tags and even bulk options,
  • option to import posts categroies that are in your website,
    • In this version of code, you have import from multiple categories “not included in the tutorial”
  • During import, no duplicate post will be imported,
  • you have to clear your trash for a duplicate post to be imported.

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