WooCommerce logout without confirmation: how to remove “Are you sure you want to Logout?”


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If you have developed an online ecommerce website using WooCommerce Plugin, during the logout time you might have came across these call to action message that say “Are you sure you want to log out?”

  • This code snippet modifies WordPress behavior to bypass the confirmation prompt when a user logs out.
  • It achieves this by hooking into the check_admin_referer action, which WordPress uses to verify security nonces (unique tokens) for various actions, including user logout.

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  1. add_action('check_admin_referer', 'logout_without_confirm', 10, 2);

    • This line registers a function named logout_without_confirm to be executed whenever the check_admin_referer action is triggered.
    • The 10 is the priority of the function, meaning it will be executed after other functions with lower priorities for the same action.
    • The 2 indicates that the logout_without_confirm function expects two arguments: $action and $result.
  2. function logout_without_confirm($action, $result)

    • This defines the logout_without_confirm function that will be called by WordPress.
    • It takes two arguments:
      • $action: A string representing the action being performed, which in this case should be "log-out".
      • $result: A boolean value indicating whether the nonce verification passed (true) or failed (false).

Core Logic:

  • Inside the function:
    • A comment explains the purpose: Allow log out without confirmation.
    • An if statement checks two conditions:
      1. $action == "log-out": This ensures the function only executes when the action is indeed log-out.
      2. !isset($_GET['_wpnonce']): This condition checks if the _wpnonce parameter (which contains the security nonce for log-out) is not set in the URL. This scenario would typically occur if the user bypassed the standard WordPress log-out process, potentially through a custom link that doesn’t include the nonce.
  • If both conditions are met, it means the user is attempting to log out without the confirmation prompt (either intentionally or unintentionally). Here’s what happens next:
    • $redirect_to: A variable is initialized to hold the URL where the user will be redirected after logging out. It checks for a redirect_to parameter in the request ($_REQUEST) and uses it if provided, otherwise it defaults to an empty string.
    • $location: The wp_logout_url function is used to generate a secure log-out URL, optionally including a redirect URL ($redirect_to). The str_replace('&', '&', ...) part ensures that any & entities in the URL are correctly converted back to & symbols.
    • header("Location: $location");: A header is sent to the browser instructing it to redirect the user to the $location URL.
    • die();: The script execution is halted to prevent any further code from running after the redirect.

Conclusion In summary

By implementing this new feature, we’ve significantly improved [benefit 1] and [benefit 2] for our users. This will ultimately lead to [positive outcome]. We’re excited to see how this enhances the overall experience and [positive impact on users or business].

Here are some specific examples you can replace the bracketed text with:

  • Benefit 1: Efficiency (e.g., faster logouts)
  • Benefit 2: User experience (e.g., smoother workflow)
  • Positive outcome: Increased user engagement or productivity
  • Positive impact on users or business: Reduced customer support tickets or increased sales

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