WooCommerce Show Sale Ending Countdown Timer On Loop

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Post Intro

This snippet increases the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) and urgency factor by showing a countdown timer on the product loop.

Specifically, the timer counts down to the sale end price. If there is no sale end price, the countdown timer will not show.

The “sale to price” is set in the product settings under the “General” tab and saved in the database in the “wp_postmeta” table with the meta key “_sale_price_dates_to”.

By showing a countdown, the customer knows that the sale will end, an encourages them to purchase now rather than wait and potentially miss out on the sales price.

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Post More Detail

  • Increase Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO).
  • Increase Urgency.
  • Show a product specific countdown timer on the product loop.

Conclusion In summary

Feature added:

  • Increase Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO).
  • Increase Urgency.
  • Show a product specific countdown timer on the product loop.

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