Install WordPress in localhost using Laragon Easy way


Learn How to Install WordPress in localhost using Laragon.
Free Laragon Download link:

  2. {Sourceforge link}

Follow the tutorial attached and get to know how to do it:

How to create local server with laragon:

1. Download and install the most current version of Laragon from

2. You can choose to install Laragon with a full stack of tools such as Apache, MySQL, and PHP or customize it to your needs.

3. Once the installation is complete, you’ll be able to access the Laragon control panel.

4. From the control panel, you can start and stop the Apache, MySQL and PHP services. You can also access the terminal, which is a great way to manage your local server.

5. To start creating your local server, open the terminal and type in “laragon start”. This will start all the services on the local server.

6. To test that your local server is working, type in “localhost” in your browser. You should see a welcome page with the Laragon logo.

7. To create a website on your local server, you can use a text editor such as Sublime Text. Create an index.html file and save it in the “www” folder located in the Laragon directory.

8. To view the website on your local server, type in “localhost/index.html” in your browser. You should see the webpage you created.

9. To stop the local server, open the terminal and type in “laragon stop”. This will stop all the services running on the local server.


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